About This Blog

* It's just merely a simple blog, as simplicity is always the beauty of life. *

04 January 2013


So eager to write something here since 
the day we crossed to another year 
I was so occupied 

Everyone is so fascinate by this new year.
Well we survived the so called Doomsday
/Judgement day
and so on so on so on so on.

We Are Back To School!
The place where Heaven and Hell reside
The place which Hatred and Love collide
The place that You and I doesn't even want to stop by
But somehow one of my gazillion nerves still miss this miserable place. 

Some notable changes for this year

Someone are back to town!
Welcome back Folks,
It's really really great to see you guys around again in school,
Although I merely know 10% of you.
I still think of all of you 2 years back then.
The same face, The same look, The same attitude.
Yupe, I am glad to say it's just the same you!
Seriously thou
Hope to have time to hang out! :)

A target for myself
Screw the results
I am not going for that.
Brooks Half Marathon
2 more months of preparation
Target : Finisher.
The Impossible that I am trying to archive: Complete with in 1 hour.

One of the craziest things I have signed up for.
I never compete in a marathon,
and the first time I participate,
It pushes me to the ultimate limit.
I am going to try for the sake of myself.

Everything has to be changed this year.
A complicated year, 
with more and more hardship to overcome.
B.I.G ( Damn that draw lots)
Relationships, maybe?
I pray for the best then.

That's it!

Owh yeah, today is 201314!
Year = 2013
Month = 1
Day = 4

A day that full of <3 !

So to all my loved one out there,

Don't be like "OHMYGAWDICANTBELIEVIT" by this day
Go and continue your god damn beautiful day.


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